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a Free "Garage Rock" Song!

CT - 2005 - 2 (85K)


Your Money's No Good Here Anyway!

(and do something about those ears!)

(Originally published July 2018  -  Updated January 2020)

Hello, and welcome to the Free Song Page,  featuring Over-Rated Blues!  You can stream and listen to it, and download the MP3 version if you like it!  If you don't... oh well, never mind.

This song is a short little live-take version of a song recorded while jamming with a friend of mine, Eddie Perez of the greater Los Angeles area, for my money one of the best "unsung"(heh-heh; just kidding Ed!) songwriters and guitarists I've ever heard!  Eddie's a trip.  I myself would sooner defecate in my pants than listen to gruel from the likes of Ozzy or Nirvana, but Eddie can sit and suffer those idiots for hours on end; he'll even spend money going to their concerts!  Then, to my outrage, he is able to just turn around and effortlessly write a beautiful song that's miles above the crap that inspired him -- and he'll get mad if you insult his corporate-rock cock-up heroes!  Huh??

I never tried to sell this song because I thought the beginning sounded a little funny.  The story goes like this:  me and Eddie were jamming one day in his living room, and we had a cheap tape recorder running off of a cheap microphone which Eddie somehow positioned perfectly between our cheap (but good) little amps to achieve a well balanced mix.  I had only heard Eddie play this song once before and didn't know the chords or key, so when he went into it I was somewhat at a loss as far as what to do.  But having been forced to play along to the radio for years (they don't tell you the song's key either), I had gotten pretty good at "ferreting" out the proper positionings fairly quickly.  Nonetheless, most of this song went by me before I felt confident enough to have at it, but I kind of liked the ending.  Obsessed as I was at the time about getting a professional "broadcast quality" sound to my recordings though, I decided not to try to sell it on any of my CD offerings.

But lately I've been remembering the words of a certain recently deceased, grotesquely over-rated, and remarkably mean rock star who has been shamefully elevated to the same status as a Jimi Hendrix or a David Bowie (If this guy's 100 zillion tastefully discriminating fans and extremely cognitive friends figure out who I'm referring to here, my name is Jack Shit!).  As I recall, this great personage said something that sounded like this:  "Hey man, it's rock and roll; it's not supposed to sound really good!"  I just thank God almighty that artists like John Lennon, Carlos Santana, Chester Thompson, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, etc. didn't take that attitude to their music.

I wouldn't want to be over-rated myself -- too much to have to live up to.  Therefore, in the interests of keeping people honest, I am giving you this "live" offering; I only added a few bad drums and cymbals here and there to cover up what I anally thought were timing errors.  This song is a pretty accurate representation of what me and Eddie were into way back in 1990 or thereabouts.

So here it is:  Over-Rated Blues (fka Tumbleweed Stampede) in all it's glory -- warts and all.  Lead guitar by Chucky; chords and arrangement by Eddie Perez, who played smoking rhythm and whose voice can be heard at the very end, telling me I suck.  C'est la vie!

Hope you enjoy this short diversion; if you don't, F___  you!  Ha ha ha!  Don't worry too much, it's free and I'm going to give you a more "polished" song next month anyway.  And besides, always remember dude, "it's rock and roll; it's not supposed to sound really good!"

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Text and photo Copyright 2018, 2020 by Charles Adrian Trevino.  Over-Rated Blues (fka Tumbleweed Stampede) Copyright 1990, 2020 by Eddie Perez/Charles Adrian Trevino.  If any person should find him or herself becoming irrational after perusing this web page, please don't contact Charles to comment.  This is